Acupuncture in Santa Monica, Los Angeles

Women's Health

Holistic Women’s Healthcare

Dr. Anna Brantman practices the whole-body approach to women’s health including an assessment of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of their well-being. During your initial consultation the following may be addressed as vital aspects of any woman’s health.

Hormone Balance

While solutions like hormonal birth control are the norm for many conventional practitioners, the pill doesn’t actually regulate hormones, and can mask symptoms of hormone imbalance.


What you eat affects your hormones, fertility, and toxin load to name a few. Your diet is one of the most powerful tools to create better wellness, or to cause problems along your journey. At Towers we will help you identify foods to balance your hormone levels, achieve a healthy weight, and ultimately optimize your health.


Environmental toxins and endocrine disruptors can alter a delicate communication system within the body. Women are potentially exposed to the highest amounts of toxins within their homes –including food, personal and house-care products. For example, if you’re managing PCOS symptoms or experience discomfort around your period, proper detox is crucial to your care. Supporting natural detox pathways will promote the healthy function of hormones as well as the immune function.

Your Digestive health controls many aspects of women’s wellness. Dr. Brantman always pays close attention to her patient’s bowel movements regularity and other symptoms of indigestion that may point to a potential for the gut bacteria overgrowth. The latter can come from stress, poor diet, and repetitive use of antibiotics or even BCP pills.

Acupuncture can be particularly beneficial for women facing issues such as:

Menstrual pain

Cycle irregularities

PMS/ PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder)

Uterine fibroids


Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

Menopause related symptoms

Pelvic pain and dyspareunia

Our holistic approach to women’s health challenges can also help with bladder conditions (e.g. interstitial cystitis), recurrent urinary tract infections, and recovery from birth as well as postpartum depression.

At Tower Acupuncture we additionally offer:

• Nutritional consultations and individualized dietary recommendations

Vitamins/ micronutrients for women

Customized herbal formulations

We work collaboratively with patients’ primary care physicians, OB-GYN specialists, reproductive endocrinologists and other specialists.